A downloadable game for Windows and Android

This project contains my tiny projects which don't really deserve their own game page, but I want to put online anyway. It includes mechanical tests, failed prototypes, that kind of thing.

Knowing me, I'll probably only upload the Windows versions - if you're dying to play these graveyard games on Mac or Linux, let me know and I might be able to build those for you!

Here's a list of everything inside this project

  • Blue -> Red Post Process | Okay so, for no particular reason, I decided to make a shader which turns all the blue bits of the scene into red instead. Just happened to make it shortly after the UK's 2024 General Election which saw Labour (red) take a massive majority away from the Consewrvatives (blue). Rest assured, I would never dream of being political on main. Made in Unity 2022 for URP.
  • Burger Off! | At WGD, we ran a 4-hour game jam with four themes to choose from as a fun end-of-term thing. The themes were Revolution, Reaction Time, Rise and Fall, and Leave it Behind. My game tenuously went for Reaction Time, as I made a cooking bullet hell (courtesy of the genre generator on my website) where the aim is to make burgers. Turned out alright I think?
  • WGD - Cycles | We ran a trial 4-hour game jam during the Covid-19 lockdown with a theme of "Cycles" and I ended up making a swinging mechanic where the player rotates an object around themselves to hit an enemy. The scoring system is broken, and I'm not sure why (source code at https://github.com/daniel-ilett/wgd-cycles).
  • WGD - Division | This was for a 48-hour game jam back in June 2018. I think I was going for a Pokemon-esque battle system? The most I got working was a single battle scene with some fancy shader work.
  • Tappy Dev | This was also for a 48-hour game jam for Warwick Game Design. This had the theme "Fuck This", where the idea is that you make the game in a genre/engine/platform/whatever that you either hate or haven't used before. I picked an idle game for Android, because I'd made neither before. It's about game development. Apparently I built two versions, so I don't know which is which.
  • Deckscalibur | I cannot for the life of me remember what the theme was, but this was a card game I was making about swords. There were various sizes of sword and each one had different properties, and the goal was to steal other people's swords. The cards exist somewhere irl, but this upload was an attempt to digitise the cards.
  • Project Spikes | This was the first game I seriously tried finishing. Oh god. I started making it pretty soon after learning to program, so I had tons of ideas that probably didn't gel together very well and I 'rebooted' development a lot of times - I found two wildly different versions of the game. Belongs firmly in the graveyard.
  • Four By Eight | I liked minimalism when I made this, if you can't tell! I think I started making this immediately prior to university, and promptly gave up with it.
  • WGD - Sacrifice | This was for a 48-hour game jam. I ended up making a stealth game about destroying fine art, but I remember using it as an excuse to try out ProBuilder, render textures, and environment mapping. For some reason, you sacrifice the art.
  • WGD - Pear/Pair/Pare | This was a jam with lots of different spellings. I was going for a Worms-style game, and got as far as adding a cherry bomb (which was meant to split into two pieces).
  • Radicool Trip 2 | This was for the theme 'Broken'. I think I must have played FEZ before this? It's a mechanic similar (but different) to that game. I was happy with getting the mechanic working for this. Also, somehow it's a sequel. I went through a wild design phase where every game used physics, I invented a rip-off cola brand called 'Popsee', and I let myself make the background look like cybervomit.
  • WGD - Time | This is probably one of my first real attempts to make a game with shaders? Also with an interesting time-reversal mechanic which seamlessly saves the state of every object every timestep and lets you step back and forth through time. There's a second build called Timey Wimey.
  • WGD - Retro 2017 | We used the theme 'Retro' at the start of the academic year often. For this game, I went pretty wild with shader effects for some reason. The gameplay was based on a Ludum Dare shmup of mine from a little while before this game. It's actually one of the more finished jam games I made.
  • WGD - Spooky 2017 | This game isn't spooky at all. I made a kind of clone combination of two Crash Bash minigames (the pogo one and the crate one). Color the most tiles or explode all opponents before the clock hits zero!
  • Ghost Party | I made this in about 3 hours for the theme 'Spooky (2016)' and it's honestly one of the better ones. I sat in the computer labs just before the showcase session for the jam drawing in actual crayons and pencils. It was great.
  • Block Puzzle | I don't know what jam this was for, but the mechanic is that you can flip gravity across all three axes. You can't move the cube directly, and you can only gravity flip when the cube has landed - its rotation is locked.


Blue -> Red Post Process Effect 58 kB
Burger Off! 28 MB
WGD - Cycles 17 MB
WGD - Division 14 MB
Tappy Dev.zip 45 MB
Deckscalibur.zip 13 MB
Project Spikes (Version 2, the one I gave up on) 12 MB
Project Spikes (Version 1, probably the better one) 12 MB
Four By Eight 9.7 MB
WGD - Sacrifice 16 MB
WGD - Pear-Pair-Pare 8 MB
Radicool Trip 2 11 MB
WGD - Time 12 MB
Timey Wimey 18 MB
WGD - Retro 2017 15 MB
WGD - Spooky 2017 13 MB
Ghost Party 17 MB
Block Puzzle 10 MB

Install instructions

Most of these games are probably made with Unity and uploaded as a zip file, in which case, unzip the folder and double-click the executable. Keep the rest of the folders and stuff inside the folder alongside the executable or it probably won't work!

Some files are in 7z format, so you will need 7zip to extract them. Others are just zip files which you can extract on basically any system.

Development log