Version 1.1.0 brings overhauled lighting options

In version 1.1.0, the lighting options in Retro Shaders Pro have been vastly expanded!

  • Added support for Forward+ and Deferred rendering paths for each base shader
    • The VertexLit shader will use the UniversalForwardOnly mode in Deferred path, as vertex lighting and deferred lighting aren't super compatible conceptually
  • Support for additional lights (i.e., point and spot lights) in the Lit and VertexLit shaders
  • Support for vertex colors, which will modify the albedo color of your meshes
  • Ambient light toggle which lets you choose between Unity's ambient light, and a manual override lighting percentage
  • Added a second demo scene showcasing the new realtime additional lighting and shadow support (note: uses too many lights for Forward rendering by design, so switch to Forward+ or Deferred instead)

I plan to actively continue development on this pack (and I have already received excellent suggestions for features), so please reach out if you encounter problems or if you'd like something to be added!


Retro Shaders Pro 77 MB
Version 1.1.0 Aug 06, 2024

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